Complying with the latest and even stricter Tier 4 emission levels for non-road diesel engines under 56 kW, Yanmar had its new water-cooled diesel engines on show at bauma 2013 (April 15 to 21) in Munich on stand A4.415/514. The CARB-certified diesel engines are the cleanest industrial range available in the market. The following models were displayed: 3TNV80F, 4TNV88C, 4TNV86CT and 4TNV98C.
Yanmar First Manufacturer Worldwide with CARB-Certification
Yanmar is the first manufacturer worldwide to have been certified by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) for diesel engines in the 19 to 56 kW range in compliance with the latest Tier 4 standards. Simultaneously, Yanmar received Tier 4 compliance certification from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
New SMART ASSIST-DIRECT (SA-D) for Easier Serviceability
Yanmar also announces a new electronic control diagnostics service system, Yanmar's SA-D, short for SMARTASSIST-DIRECT. This system is to watch the engine operation condition and provide customers with high-quality service. Its features include easy downloads of (updated) ECU software, automatically retrieved technical information, operations monitoring and quality service information data. A remotely monitored system, Yanmar's SA-R (SMARTASSIST-Remote), to confirm the real-time engine running status and offer timely technical services is to be introduced shortly.
Strict Emission Regulations for Cleaner Non-Road Diesel Engines
In response to increased environmental awareness, recent years have seen the continuous tightening of emission regulations for non-road diesel engines the world over. From 2013, both Europe and the U.S. have introduced even stricter standards to control non-road diesel engines under 56kW. Emission levels have been reduced by up to 90% compared with the previous limits. Diesel engines for use in the U.S. must now be emissions tested according to the NRTC (Non-Road Transient Cycle) and comply with the NTE (Not to Exceed) limiting the emissions under all operating conditions, including high altitude.
Reduced Particulate Matter and NOx Emissions through New Yanmar Technologies
Yanmar has been developing and manufacturing industrial diesel engines for over 100 years. In order to meet the current Stage IIIB/Tier 4 emission regulations, it has developed a new water-cooled diesel engine range with the latest technology for environment-friendly operation. Yanmar has employed proprietary direct injection and electronic control technologies, with an advanced common rail system and diesel particulate filter (DPF) technologies. The combination of exhaust gas recirculation with advanced electronic control allows for a significant reduction in particulate matter and NOx emissions. Yanmar is thus able to deliver highly reliable engines with superior fuel efficiency, complying with the most rigorous emissions regulations in force.
Highlighted: Unique Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Technology
One of the new technologies used is the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) with active regeneration. The Yanmar DPF regeneration control helps to achieve extremely low lube oil dilution by fuel oil and lower fuel consumption overall compared with other systems offered. The reduction of lubrication oil consumption also leads to extended DPF durability and longer maintenance intervals.
Yanmar Range of CARB-Certified Diesel Engines up to 56kW
The full range, based substantially on Yanmar TNV series, includes the following models – comprising three and four cylinder diesels with mostly indirect injection (IDI) up to 19 kW and direct injection (DI) from 19 to 56 kW.
New engines with an output below 19 kW are 3TNM74F (IDI), 3TNV74F (IDI), and 3TNV80F (IDI), 3TNV88F (DI). The first three have 100% installation changeability with existing engines. All engines comply with the latest Tier 4 Final emissions under application of the NTE regulations, allowing customers to use Yanmar engines at high altitude worldwide, including in the USA.
The existing range, with an output between 19 kW and 56 kW, has been modified with new technology to meet the current emission standards. These models are 3TNV88C/3TNV86CT (DI), 4TNV88C/4TNV86CT (DI), 4TNV98C/4TNV98CT (DI).